Keyword: spirit

9 resources found

Resource Category Type(s) Author
The House – Two Week Series

A two week series about the church. Download includes two lessons and a series graphic. Lesson 1 is about laying the foundation. Lesson 2 is about meeting the family.

Church, Foundation, Lessons, born again, family, house of God, new birth, series, spirit
Lessons Collection, jpg, pdf Daniel Phillips
Divided by the Word.

Teaching on the body, soul and spirit.

body, regeneration, soul, spirit
Lessons doc(x) Euraldo Browne
Seven Benefits of Praying in Tongues

A brief lesson covering seven basic benefits associated with speaking in tongues while praying in the Holy Ghost.

Holy Ghost, lesson, speaking in tongues, spirit
Lessons pdf Stephen Kuntzman
Spiritual Demonstration in Student Ministry

Having a demonstration of the Spirit is what we must strive for as student leaders. Pushing to make sure our students can experience God.

Demonstration, move of the Spirit, spirit
Job Descriptions, Lessons doc(x) Joshua Carson
Testimony From Sidell

This is a testimony of what God did in Sidell, IL. This small church had a powerful move of God that changed lives and broke chains that had once imprisoned our young people.

Holy Ghost, prayer, spirit
Testimonials doc(x) YM Staff
Testimony From Sidell

This is a testimony of what God did in Sidell, IL. This small church had a powerful move of God that changed lives and broke chains that had once imprisoned our young people.

Holy Ghost, prayer, spirit
Testimonials doc(x) YM Staff
The Fatal Flaw of Familiarity

Holy Ghost, Samson, renewal, spirit
Lessons doc(x) Shawn Stickler
Birthplace of a Revival

Demonstration, Revival, power, spirit
Lessons doc(x) Marvin Mitchell
(Pentecost Sunday Series) #4 The Promise of Pentecost

Promise, pentecost, spirit, vessel
Lessons, Seasonal doc(x) Marvin Mitchell