Keyword: Can

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ACTIV8 Energy Drink w/o Background 3 of 3

This is a fun little project I designed using the ACTIV8 logo. This is in .PNG format and has the background and reflection of can removed.

ACTIV8, Can, Energy Drink, SFC, Sheaves For Christ, design, 2013
Fund Raising Ideas, Promotional Ads, Stock Images png Ryan Johns
ACTIV8 Energy Drink w/o Background 2 of 3

This is a fun little project I designed using the ACTIV8 logo. This is in .PNG format and has the background removed, but it does have a reflection of the can.

ACTIV8, Can, Energy Drink, SFC, Sheaves For Christ, design, 2013
Fund Raising Ideas, PowerPoint Backgrounds, Promotional Ads, Stock Images png Ryan Johns
ACTIV8 Energy Drink w/Background 1 of 3

This is a fun little project I designed using the ACTIV8 logo. This is in JPG format and has a white background.

ACTIV8, Can, Energy Drink, SFC, Sheaves For Christ, design, 2013
Fund Raising Ideas, Promotional Ads, Stock Images jpg Ryan Johns