This page contains a variety of resources designed to assist you, the youth worker, in personal development, along with equipping you to successfully and effectively accomplish 21st century apostolic youth ministry in your local church and community.
Activities / Events
89 resourcesIdeas for Activites and Events to involve your youth.
Call Podcast
37 resourcesStudent Ministry Conference Call Archives.
95 resourcesGames and activities that will get your youth event started in a fun, and energizing way.
Drama / Skits
45 resourcesGreat dramas and skits that your group can perform during youth events, church services, or street ministry.
84 resourcesUseful forms for youth ministries.
Fund Raising Ideas
86 resourcesHelpful ideas you can use to get your students started in raising funds.
Job Descriptions
25 resourcesJob descriptions for youth ministry positions.
912 resourcesBible studies, devotions, and object lessons relevant to youth today.
Online Resources
46 resourcesResources you can find on the Internet.
337 resourcesEverything else we haven't put into another category yet.
PowerPoint Backgrounds
115 resourcesBackgrounds you can use in your PowerPoint presentations.
Promotional Ads
47 resourcesPromote your event or ministry.
32 resourcesResources applicable to various seasons of the year.
Stock Images
128 resourcesImages for your ministry use.
22 resourcesTestimonies on what God has been doing in the lives of our youth, and youth group ministries.
Video Clips / Countdowns
88 resourcesMedia that can engage your students in an effective way.
Youth Room Photos
75 resourcesExamples of youth ministry rooms.