Keyword: friendships

3 resources found

Resource Category Type(s) Author
We have a LOT to deal with

Not everyone who comes into our lives, needs to stay in our lives. The company you keep matters because the wrong affiliations in your life can lead to wrong destinations for your life. This lesson breaks down the damaging relationship between Lot andRead More…

Abraham, Lot, Voices, friendships, relationships
Lessons pdf Nate Smith
The Relation Ship

Relationships are like ships. They will either carry us through the storms of life, or they will sink us. “The Relation Ship” is a 3-part series that will teach students to carefully consider their role in the relationships they have with family, frienRead More…

Ships, dating, friends, friendship, friendships, purity, relationship, relationships
Lessons, Stock Images Collection, jpg, pages, pdf, psd David McGovern
The Network: A series on relationships

Exploring a biblical perspective on relationships with people, culture and the church when Jesus is at the center. This series uses Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter as examples/metaphors of different types of relationships. Series is four lessons long.Read More…

Facebook, Media, Twitter, four weeks, friends, friendships, pinterest, pop culture, relationships, series, the network
Lessons Collection, jpg, pages, pdf Adam Shaw