Keyword: Jonathan

3 resources found

Resource Category Type(s) Author
The Shepherd King SERIES

This is a 3 week series we did on the life of David. While this series shares the same title as the LINK247 series, the content is unique. Lessons include: David’s call, David and Saul (Submission), and David and Jonathan (Friendship). The sermons areRead More…

David, Jonathan, Saul, Submission, friendship, sermon
Lessons pdf Daniel Phillips
The Commune-ity Call – Episode #009

On April 4th, 2017, Jonathan Quinones from Modesto, California joined the GYD on the Commune-ity Call. He shared with us on the subject “Pressing for Conversation with Students.”

Call, Commune-ity, Episoide, Jonathan, Quinones, podcast
Call Podcast m4a, mp3 YM Staff
Jonathan and David: Th Power of Friendship

David, Jonathan, Old Testament, Saul, friendship
Lessons PowerPoint YM Staff