Keyword: Saul

3 resources found

Resource Category Type(s) Author
The Shepherd King SERIES

This is a 3 week series we did on the life of David. While this series shares the same title as the LINK247 series, the content is unique. Lessons include: David’s call, David and Saul (Submission), and David and Jonathan (Friendship). The sermons areRead More…

David, Jonathan, Saul, Submission, friendship, sermon
Lessons pdf Daniel Phillips
What are You Going to do with Your Anointing?

This sermon focuses on the idea that both Saul and David were anointed of God. They both had the same anointing, they started at the same place, yet with very different results. So, your anointed, what are you going to do with it? Will you be a "SRead More…

David, Saul, anointing
Crowd-breakers, Lessons, Seasonal, Stock Images pdf Justin Lowe
Jonathan and David: Th Power of Friendship

David, Jonathan, Old Testament, Saul, friendship
Lessons PowerPoint YM Staff