Resource Category: Stock Images
Images for your ministry use.
128 resources found
Resource | Category | Type(s) | Author |
2011 NAYC This is part of our group that went to nayc in2011. |
Stock Images | Jonathon Workman | |
Identity Can be used as a Theme for your Youth Week, Month, Year or maybe the name for your Student Ministry. Artwork done by someone in our church. identity |
PowerPoint Backgrounds, Stock Images, Youth Room Photos | jpg | David Brown |
B Different 3 Used for Youth Revival themed "B" (Be). Emphasizes that, no matter where we are, we should never be afraid to be Apostolic. |
Stock Images | png | Michael Guerra |
B Different 2 Used for Youth Revival themed "B" (Be). Emphasizes that, no matter where we are, we should never be afraid to be Apostolic. |
Stock Images | png | Michael Guerra |
B Different 1 Used for Youth Revival themed "B" (Be). Emphasizes that, no matter where we are, we should never be afraid to be Apostolic. |
Stock Images | png | Michael Guerra |
Stand Out An image encouraging us to be different than what is around us. |
Stock Images | jpg | Michael Guerra |
Peculiar People Einstein Background used for Youth Revival themed "Peculiar People." |
Stock Images | jpg | Michael Guerra |
Peculiar People Lincoln Background image for revival themed "Peculiar People." |
Stock Images | jpg | Michael Guerra |
Burlap Background This is a photo to go along with a variety of lessons. This is a free stock photo to use as a background for powerpoint or keynote type presentations. It is a general texture and can be used for multiple projects. Power Point, background, burlap, multimedia, neutral, photo, pic, sermon help, tan, texture |
PowerPoint Backgrounds, Stock Images | jpg | Timothy Burk |
Becoming Youth Week Artwork This was used for our Youth Retreat for 2011. |
Lessons, Promotional Ads, Stock Images | jpg | YM Staff |
Youth MultiMedia Links & More A blog full of links and ideas. |
PowerPoint Backgrounds, Stock Images, Video Clips / Countdowns | URL | Allen Copeland |
prayer request |
Stock Images | jpg | Barron Rouse Jr |
Following Jesus Sermon title pic Following Jesus |
Stock Images | jpg | Austin Jackson |
Following Jesus Sermon title pic Following Jesus |
Stock Images | jpg | Austin Jackson |
Grow In Christ Image of plant in hand, illustrating growing in Christs hands christ, grow, hands |
Stock Images | jpg | Travis Precht |
Apostolic Guys Stock Guys Photo from "Driven" guys |
Stock Images | jpg | Joshua Carson |
Apostolic Girls Driven Girls girls |
Stock Images | jpg | Joshua Carson |
Praise Set – Abstract |
Crowd-breakers, Stock Images | jpg | Alexander Kalt |
Love Sermon Background God, Love Period, Others, People, love |
Other, PowerPoint Backgrounds, Stock Images | jpg | Joel Bryson |
Battle of the Sexes Battle of the Sexes backdrop. Battle of the Sexes is a month long series that talks about Dating and Relationships |
Promotional Ads, Stock Images | jpg | Ramsey Fakhouri |
Place of Refuge |
Stock Images | jpg | YM Staff |
Enter Image Door, Enter, Kingdom of God |
Other, Stock Images | png | Cody Pickett |
lightbulb Good presentation pic Lightbulb |
Stock Images | jpg | Aubrey Baughman |
Outside the box Graphic for outside the box box, outside |
Stock Images | gif | William Bailey |
All Nighter Promotion of Lock In |
Stock Images | jpg | Matthew Smith |