Keyword: identity

13 resources found

Resource Category Type(s) Author
Molded by Love – The Potter and Clay

This is a 30min lesson about our relationship, identity, and purpose in God. The main text is taken from Isaiah 64:3-8.

identity, potter and clay, purpose, relationships
Lessons PowerPoint, pdf Hank Hayes
#nofilter – The Gospel According to Instagram

Jesus just might use the fastest growing social media site to teach to your students if you gave him the chance. #heusedfish #heusedfarmers #hewantstouseyou Instagram has exploded onto the social media scene, and why not? It’s all about pictures. WeâRead More…

#nofilter, #ootd, #tbt, Apostolic, Slide Shows, identity, instagram, lesson, photoshop
Crowd-breakers, Lessons, PowerPoint Backgrounds, Stock Images Collection, doc(x), jpg, png, psd Jason Ouellette
Youth Week 2008 “Identity Theft” – PDF

The General Youth Division, along with assistance from veterans have made previous Youth Week lessons available for you!Youth Week 2008 in PDF format. Includes outlines, lesson detail, and handouts. Great tool for a possible youth week!

belong, identity, ministry, purpose, youth week
Lessons URL, pdf Matthew Johnson
Youth Week 2008 “Identity Theft” – Word

The General Youth Division, along with assistance from veterans have made previous Youth Week lessons available for you!Youth Week 2008 in Word format. Includes outlines, lesson detail, and handouts. Great tool for a possible youth week!

belong, identity, ministry, purpose, youth week
Lessons URL, doc(x) Matthew Johnson

Short Poem

Other doc(x) Kirk Kaske

Can be used as a Theme for your Youth Week, Month, Year or maybe the name for your Student Ministry. Artwork done by someone in our church.

PowerPoint Backgrounds, Stock Images, Youth Room Photos jpg David Brown
Understanding Identity

Spiritual Identity/Gender Identity

Lessons doc(x) Joshua Carson
What is Your Name?

A lesson I did about the "name" that God has for each one of us, and how it may differ from what we believe.

identity, jacob, legion, name
Lessons doc(x) Clinton Curtis
Your Identity In Christ

Our DNA was meant to store Genetic Instructions in the development of all known Living Organisms. When the Blood of Jesus is applied to our lives He stores the Spiritual DNA necessary in the development of a NEW CREATUREÃs IN CHRIST!!! Our Identity isRead More…

Blood, Jesus Name, baptism, identity
Lessons doc(x) YM Staff
Your True Identity

I preached this sermon at a youth revival. It tied in with the GYD Youth Week theme of "Identity Theft." The sermon uses different examples of fictional characters that had a secret identity. It draws a parallel between those secret identitieRead More…

Lessons doc(x) YM Staff
YOU 1: Gender & Spiritual Identity

Looking at the world”s view in comparison to God”s view of our gender identity and our spiritual identity is sometimes skewed. The world says to identify yourself one way but the truth of the Bible says another way. This lesson talks about the challeRead More…

gender, identity, perspective, spiritual
Lessons, Other pdf YM Staff
The Spies of Connection

It deals with connecting and identifying with the right things and how we connect with things that we identify with. It also has some alarming research and quotes on how there are basically five major companies in America that shape our culture. In theRead More…

connect, culture, identify, identity
Other doc(x) YM Staff
Live Strong: Lesson 2 – Identity

confidence, identity, personality, relationship
Lessons doc(x) YM Staff