Keyword: new year

3 resources found

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This is a series we did to launch 2019. The series is about setting goals for the most important aspect of our lives–our walk with God. These sermons are written by three different people so you will see some style/formatting differences. If you wouldRead More…

goals, new year, sermon
Lessons, Other pdf, png Daniel Phillips
New Year – Avoiding Being Lukewarm

It’s a new year! A popular saying around this time is “new year, new me!” And no doubt your students are saying that as well. But do they know that God is concerned about His people if they are lukewarm for Him? This year challenge your students to setRead More…

cold, fire, hot, lukewarm, new year
Lessons pdf Hank Hayes
New Year Questionnaire

Questionnaire, holiday, new year, student
Forms doc(x) Daniel Ponjican