Keyword: Small Groups

4 resources found

Resource Category Type(s) Author
October 2012 Inspire Conference Call

For the Best Youth Workers by the Best Youth Workers! This month we are featuring: Michael Guerra, Florida; Adam Shaw, Hamilton, Ontario; Fresh Ideas, Inspire Revival, Instill Passion!!!! Follow Inspire on Twitter: @InspireSMCall ~ #inspireSM

Audio, Inspire, Small Groups, conference calls, discipleship, events, family, groups, growth, mp3, planning, theCommune-ity, time, youth
Call Podcast, Lessons mp3 Trav Worthington
Accountability=Integrity Small Groups

Small Groups session on how accountability helps assist in the integrity of student life.

Small Groups, accountability, integrity
Lessons doc(x) Joshua Carson
Small Group Guide Sheet

Here is a generic sheet that can be used at each small group meeting that promotes meeting certain goals.

Guide, Life Groups, Small Groups, Sunday School, goals
Forms, Lessons pdf Matthew Funk
10 Things Every Cell Servant Should Know

Hope this helps Small Group leaders. I found

Small Groups
Job Descriptions doc(x) Eluterio Gonzalez