Keyword: Form

8 resources found

Resource Category Type(s) Author
<18yrs old Baptism Permission Form

Baptism form we use for students under 18 years old. I have adapted a couple of other versions from other churches – this is simply my version – feel free to download and edit as you wish!

Form, baptism, minor
Forms doc(x) Seth Boyte
School Excuse Form

Formal letter to the Schools so student can get an excused absence for a Church related event.

Absence, Camp, Excuse, Form, HYC, NAYC, event
Activities / Events, Crowd-breakers, Forms, Lessons, Other, PowerPoint Backgrounds, Promotional Ads, Seasonal doc(x) Matthew Smith
Guest Follow-Up Letter to the Parents of visiting Student

This document is one of the way we communicate with the Parents of the students who are first time guests. In Student Ministry Follow-up is Key!

Follow up, Form, Guest, Letter, parents, students, visitors
Forms doc(x) Matthew Smith
Guest Follow-Up Letter to Students

This document is one of the way we communicate with students who are first time guests. In Student Ministry Follow-up is Key!

Follow up, Form, Guest, Letter, students, visitors
Forms doc(x) Matthew Smith
Surge Visitor Form 2.0

Newer edition of the visitor form I have previously uploaded. You will need Excel 2007 or 2010 for this to work for you. If you would like me to make you a customized version of this form, please contact me.

Excel, Form, addresses, automatic, contact information, numbers, phone, school
Forms Collection, Spreadsheet, jpg Ryan Wing
Parental Consent, Emergency Waiver, & Liability Release Form

Two page document that covers all the bases – parent consent, emergency medical care, and liability release in case of accident. Very good to have on hand on a trip. Customize the form and it can be used to cover a whole year.

Emergency, Form, Liability, Release, consent, medical, parent, signature
Forms doc(x) Dustin Williams
Surge Visitor Form

This is the real Surge Visitor Form. You must have MS Excel 2007 or 2010 for this to work correctly. If you wish to have a customized copy, please contact me. To do so requires VBA programming knowledge.

Form, Jacob Brown, Surge, Visitor
Forms Collection, Spreadsheet Ryan Wing
Youth Activities Consent Form

Forms pdf YM Staff