Keyword: NAYC

3 resources found

Resource Category Type(s) Author
NAYC 2015 Budget – Excel

Hope it helps.

Excel, NAYC
Online Resources Spreadsheet Jason Ouellette
School Excuse Form

Formal letter to the Schools so student can get an excused absence for a Church related event.

Absence, Camp, Excuse, Form, HYC, NAYC, event
Activities / Events, Crowd-breakers, Forms, Lessons, Other, PowerPoint Backgrounds, Promotional Ads, Seasonal doc(x) Matthew Smith
Everything You Need When Planning A NAYC Trip

1. Spreadsheet that covers expenses, fundraisers, and total costs 2. Schedule/Packing List/Itinerary/ Etc 3. Trip rules/Indemnity Agreement/Medical Release/Participation Agreement

Indemnity, NAYC, Participation, Rules, Trip, medical, schedule
Activities / Events, Forms, Lessons Collection, Spreadsheet, doc(x) Taylor Kovar