Keyword: funny

5 resources found

Resource Category Type(s) Author
Magic Carpet Game and Graphic

THIS IS A PERFECT CROWD-BREAKER/TEAM BUILDDER FOR BIG OR SMALL GROUPS! Graphic Created by Like our FB Page so that we can continue to upload free resources. Thank you in advance!

Blankets, Designs By Mattslid, Games, Team, Team Builder, funny, graphic
Activities / Events, Crowd-breakers, PowerPoint Backgrounds, Stock Images Collection, jpg, pdf Matthew Smith
Quit Playing Games With My Heart

2 GAMES IN ONE! THIS IS A PERFECT CROWD-BREAKER FOR ANYONE DOING A RELATIONSHIP SERIES. Graphic Created by Like our FB Page so that we can continue to upload free resources. Thank you in advance!

Candy, Games, Hearts, Valentine, funny, love, relationships
Crowd-breakers, PowerPoint Backgrounds, Seasonal Collection, jpg, pdf Matthew Smith
Praise Solutions

This is a funny video about praise and worship. This video was created by 2 students in my youth group, very talented!

Humor, Praise, funny, video, worship
Lessons, Video Clips / Countdowns Embeddable, URL Chad Rayburn
Media Resources

The christian version on youtube. Great resource if your looking for media ideas to better illustrate your message.

clips, funny, godtube, inspirational, motivational, skits, video
Drama / Skits, Online Resources, Other, Video Clips / Countdowns URL C Moncada
The e-Bunny Easter Skit

An Easter Skit for Youth. Includes skit in .PDF, and in a color-coded PowerPoint version easy for practice and, if needed, the actual performance. Overview: Easter has become so commercialized that it is almost impossible to tell “Which came first: tRead More…

Easter, bunny, comedy, drama, funny, play, resurrection, skit, teens, youth
Drama / Skits, Other Collection, PowerPoint, pdf Ramy-Claude James