Keyword: skit

5 resources found

Resource Category Type(s) Author
ACT1V8 Spoken Word

Script and audio file of the spoken word performed during the Youth Day service at General Conference 2013.

ACT1V8, Spoken Word, skit
Drama / Skits doc(x), m4a Matthew Johnson
Not So Wise Man from the West

A christmas skit that is hilarious with props. It was a good laugh!! At the end we had a ministered to the people about offering ourselves to Jesus.

christmas, laugh, skit, wise man
Drama / Skits doc(x) Noah Ranniger
Cardboard Testimony Skit

Uses the popular Card Board Testimonies to encourage students to get involved in evangelism.

evangelism, outreach, skit
Drama / Skits pages Zane Wells
The e-Bunny Easter Skit

An Easter Skit for Youth. Includes skit in .PDF, and in a color-coded PowerPoint version easy for practice and, if needed, the actual performance. Overview: Easter has become so commercialized that it is almost impossible to tell “Which came first: tRead More…

Easter, bunny, comedy, drama, funny, play, resurrection, skit, teens, youth
Drama / Skits, Other Collection, PowerPoint, pdf Ramy-Claude James
trash skit

Drama / Skits doc(x) YM Staff