Keyword: Team

9 resources found

Resource Category Type(s) Author
Magic Carpet Game and Graphic

THIS IS A PERFECT CROWD-BREAKER/TEAM BUILDDER FOR BIG OR SMALL GROUPS! Graphic Created by Like our FB Page so that we can continue to upload free resources. Thank you in advance!

Blankets, Designs By Mattslid, Games, Team, Team Builder, funny, graphic
Activities / Events, Crowd-breakers, PowerPoint Backgrounds, Stock Images Collection, jpg, pdf Matthew Smith
How-To for Your Students Connecting with Visitors

This is for your student visitor team, or young person that wants to connect with visitors while also getting their information for follow up.

Follow up, Postcard, Team, Visitor, student ministries
Forms, Job Descriptions, Online Resources, Other doc(x) Donald Ellis
Support Cast "Building and Utilizing a Team"

Allowing a team mentality in Student Ministry.

Team, student leaders, support
Job Descriptions, Lessons doc(x) Joshua Carson
The Leadership Lottery

Have you ever tried to lift something that was really heavy? You realize after you pick it up that you are probably going to pull something, but rather than do the smart thing and set it down until you have help you just go ahead and continue doing morRead More…

Team, leadership, lottery, staff
Other doc(x) YM Staff
Focus on Developing People

As I lowered my landing gear to arrive back to planet PJ, I began to consider: what will be my focus? A new year brings new opportunities, what will I do with mine? To decide my focus, certainly it would be expedient to explore the focus of Jesus ChrisRead More…

Team, discipleship, focus, leadership, mentoring
Other doc(x) YM Staff
It Takes A Team Notes

Team, Unity, goals, leadership
Other doc(x) Marvin Mitchell
It Takes A Team

Leaders, Team, Unity, goals
Other doc(x) Marvin Mitchell
Youth Staff Application

Team, application, staff
Forms doc(x) Shawn Stickler
Youth Leadership Team Expectations

Expectations, Team, staff
Other doc(x) Shawn Stickler