Resource Category: Stock Images

Images for your ministry use.

128 resources found

Resource Category Type(s) Author
Only the Word of God can do this…

God wrapping His arms around a soul through His Word.I did not create this, nor do I own the rights to it, but I find it is an awesome picture.

Lessons, Stock Images, Youth Room Photos jpg Joshua Smith

“Lavish” was a series we taught on the principle of giving lives wholly to God. Just as Jesus lavishes His love on us, we should lavishly give of our time, energy, and resources to our King.

Giving, commitment, energy, give, money, resources, sacrifice, time
Lessons, PowerPoint Backgrounds, Stock Images pdf Adam Rios
Aftershock Youth Event

We held a two night event. THe first night featured the music of THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH in Memphis and Bro Huckaby ministered. The second night featured music from Heritage APostolic Church, Justin and Karissa Hill, and Souls Harbor Sign Team. This wasRead More…

Activities / Events, Promotional Ads, Stock Images PowerPoint Jonathan Barnes
Old School

Image for a lesson series on basic, foundational Apostolic truths.

Stock Images jpg Adam Rios
Storm Youth Ministries


Stock Images jpg Paul Marion
Upside Down T-Shirt Logo

Upside Down T-shirt Logo I created.

Fund Raising Ideas, Stock Images png DANIEL COOK
Dating Declassified

A four part series on healthy relationships with the focus on dating.

Lessons, PowerPoint Backgrounds, Stock Images Collection, PowerPoint, doc(x), jpg, m4a, pdf Kyle Holt
Flyer Template

This is a template I created for our local sectional youth rally. You can easily open this image in most photo editing software and add text to it. I can also upload a photoshop version of it as well.

Image, event, flyer, photoshop, powerpoint, promo, rally, sunburst, talk bubble, template
PowerPoint Backgrounds, Promotional Ads, Stock Images jpg Timothy Burk

Creation swap has awesome graphics, mostly for free, for churches.

Backgrounds, Graphics, flyers, promos
Online Resources, PowerPoint Backgrounds, Promotional Ads, Stock Images, Youth Room Photos URL Zac Peters
At Camp

pic of youth at camp

Stock Images jpg Tim Hampton
The Commune-ity Logo

The Commune-ity Logo

Stock Images gif Shay Mann
Apostolic Truths image
Other, Stock Images jpg Britney Davis
Leave no youth behind

Cool stock photo for a youth rally or special series

Lessons, Stock Images jpg Aaron Holloway
Praise Banner

Use as a wall Banner in church sanctuary.

Stock Images jpg Russell Revels
Postogram Postcards

Postogram Postcards is an iphone app gives you the capability to send a printed photo postcard in the mail. Take a photo with the app or use a photo from your Iphone libaray, Instagram, or Facebook. It does cost .99 cents per postcard. You pick the phoRead More…

Student Event Announcement, Student Follow Up
Activities / Events, Other, Promotional Ads, Seasonal, Stock Images Jonathan Little
Preaching 4

Preaching at the Regional Youth Congress in Zaragoza, Spain

Stock Images jpg Denis Gonzales
Preaching 5

Preaching at the Regional Youth Congress in Zaragoza, Spain

Stock Images, Youth Room Photos jpg Denis Gonzales
Preaching 3

Preaching at the Regional Youth Congress in Zaragoza, Spain

Stock Images jpg Denis Gonzales

Me preaching at our Regional Youth Congress in Zaragoza, Spain.

Stock Images, Youth Room Photos jpg Denis Gonzales
No Compromise

Lock Away the Standards/Truth throw away the key, blues and black colors

Lessons, Stock Images jpg Layla Weaver
Baptised with Holy Ghost and Fire

Image of a cross in water, surrounded by flames and swirling line

Stock Images jpg William Weaver
Are you who He called you to be graphic

Graphic of Message in a recent Back to school Series

Jacob Brown, Superman, Surge
Lessons, Stock Images jpg Jacob Brown
A Great Place to get Artwork is a great place to get a ton of Image pack where you can edit them. It has a cost per year, but it is so worth it! They have moving backgrounds, and regular backgrounds. And it is limitless downloads

Backgrounds, Images, Moving Backgrounds
Activities / Events, Forms, Lessons, PowerPoint Backgrounds, Promotional Ads, Seasonal, Stock Images, Video Clips / Countdowns URL Jacob Brown
clip art ideas
clip art ideas
Stock Images png matt day
tree mist
Stock Images jpg blake salyer