Resource Category: Lessons

Bible studies, devotions, and object lessons relevant to youth today.

912 resources found

Resource Category Type(s) Author
A New Fashion Statement
Lessons doc(x) Tommy Bell
The Watchman
Lessons doc(x) YM Staff
What it Means to Make a Covenant
Lessons doc(x) Bill Hobson
He doesn’t throw stones, He writes in the sand.

This is the only message that I can recall preaching somewhere else before I preached it here at home. I was preaching in another church and had all of my notes ready for that evening service when I felt led to preach something that God had given me asRead More…

Lessons doc(x) Bill Hobson
Face to Face
Lessons doc(x) Bill Hobson
To Find a Friend
friendship with God, relationship
Lessons doc(x) YM Staff
Youth Pastor
The Power of Teamwork
Lessons doc(x) Omar Jolly
The Fatal Flaw of Familiarity
Holy Ghost, Samson, renewal, spirit
Lessons doc(x) Shawn Stickler
Palm Sunay
Judgement, Praise
Lessons doc(x) Nathan Wells
A Pillar From Pieces
overcoming faults and failures
Lessons doc(x) Nathan Wells
Proactive Responses
Lessons doc(x) YM Staff
Knowing Your Youth
Lessons doc(x) YM Staff
The Truth about God
God, Rules, powerpoint, truth
Lessons PowerPoint Seth Simmons
The Truth about God
God, Rules, truth
Lessons doc(x) Seth Simmons
Building a Biblical Self Image
Security, Self Concept, Self Image, confidence
Lessons doc(x) YM Staff
Five Ways to Kill a Chicken
afraid, conquer, youth
Lessons doc(x) YM Staff
Humility vs. Pride (Part 2)
Humility, Pride, Submission, Will
Lessons doc(x) Marvin Mitchell
Humility vs. Pride (Part 1)
Humility, Pride, Submission, Will
Lessons doc(x) Marvin Mitchell
Tithes and Offerings 2
Giving, Offerings, Tithes
Lessons doc(x) Marvin Mitchell
Tithes and Offerings
Giving, Offerings, Tithes
Lessons doc(x) Marvin Mitchell
Character Development by the Holy Ghost
Character, Fruit, Holy Ghost, Working, holiness
Lessons doc(x) Marvin Mitchell
Wake Up Your Potential
Potential, Revival, reach, vision
Lessons doc(x) Marvin Mitchell
dating, healthy relationships, lesson
Lessons doc(x) Seth Simmons
Birthplace of a Revival
Demonstration, Revival, power, spirit
Lessons doc(x) Marvin Mitchell
Raising The Standard: Wisdom
Ask, Consequences, Decisions, wisdom
Lessons doc(x) Marvin Mitchell