Keyword: Sin

7 resources found

Resource Category Type(s) Author
Four Statuses of the Soul

A 4-Week Series loosely based on Craig Groeschel’s “Soul Detox” series. Emphasizes the idea that Jesus is the solution to every status of the soul. Teaching addresses sin, worry, stress, anxiety, busyness, restlessness, heaviness, idolatry, etc. LessonRead More…

Sin, anxiety, anxious, busy, busyness, heaviness, heavy, idolatry, rest, restless, restlessness, soul, status, stress, stressed, worry, worship
Lessons Collection, doc(x), jpg, pdf Jeremy Gove
Zombie Killers

Romans 6:13 declares "We are those that are alive from the dead!" Powerpoint lesson!

Dead, Sin, alive, life, zombies
Lessons, PowerPoint Backgrounds PowerPoint Philip DiNello
A Fly in the Ointment

A sermon geared toward youth regarding the importance of the anointing God has placed in their life and the fact that sin whether big or small plays a huge role in how affective their anointing can be in todays generation. Preached at Youth ConferenceRead More…

Sin, anointing, sermon
Lessons doc(x) Stephen Barker
Run to Win

How many of you believe that we are in a race? All of us in this life are in a race to get to heaven. We are all trying to get to the finish line to see Jesus. This message with skit included shows how we cannot let the weights of this world and the siRead More…

Race, Sin, Weights, running
Drama / Skits, Lessons doc(x) Brandon Brosi
Gay Conversations – A Discussion on Homosexuality and the Christian Response

The world has an agenda to make Homosexuality accepted as a human rights issue similar to racial and gender issues. This lesson/series lays the foundation that we are commanded to LOVE SINNERS but also to hate sin. We cannot afford to confuse this by hRead More…

Christian stance, Gay, Sin, homosexuality, love
Lessons doc(x) Johnathan Nazarian
An Apostolic Response to Homosexuality

This resource is purposed to be a 2-3 part discussion and informational session with young adults. It enables student pastors, youth pastors as well as youth leaders to discuss a tough, yet extremely relevant topic amongst today’s youth, allows them thRead More…

Biblical response, Lessons, Sexuality, Sin, adolescent, homosexuality, teenagers
Lessons doc(x) Matthew Mullins
A Mountain Out of A Morsel

How something small can escalate into something large and looming. Explores the life of Esau and how a morsel became a mountain in his life. Singling out the small foxes that spoil the vine.

Overcoming, Sin, mistakes
Lessons doc(x) Nathan Wells