Resource: The Only True Blood

The Only True Blood

Type: , ,
Ages: All
Gender: Both
Keywords: , , , ,

This is a 3 part series the delves unto the “watering down” of the blood of Jesus by today’s media and culture and reminds students to filter the media they watch lest it distract them from THE Only True Blood. 1. Talks about the blood and how the world has perverted the blood, 2. Talks about the lies in Twilight, 3. Talks about violent video games, mostly Call of Duty and Modern Warfare

Create Date November 20, 2011
Last Updated July 14, 2016
Total Files/URLs 10
Please Read.docx
Please Read.docx
TrueBlood pt 1 Graphic.jpg
TrueBlood pt 1 Graphic.jpg
The Only True Blood pt1.docx
The Only True Blood pt1.docx
TrueBlood pt 2 -Twilight PPT background graphic.jpg
TrueBlood pt 2 -Twilight PPT background graphic.jpg
TrueBlood pt 2 -Twilight Apple Graphic.jpg
TrueBlood pt 2 -Twilight Apple Graphic.jpg
The Only True Blood pt 2 Don’t Eat The Apple.docx
The Only True Blood pt 2 Don
The Only True Blood pt 3 Call of Duty.docx
The Only True Blood pt 3 Call of Duty.docx
MW Scripture.jpg
MW Scripture.jpg
Modern Warfare.jpg
Modern Warfare.jpg
COD Modern Warfare.jpg
COD Modern Warfare.jpg


  1. JNazarian8417 says:

    Also discusses fantasy, cutting, and obsession.

  2. DBorders5065 says:

    Very thorough notes! I used much of information from these notes for a lesson that connected well with our students.

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